Sunday 2 December 2007


This was one of my main ideas for the begining of my animation as you can see that it corrresponds to my storyboard in which i had produced the design are on a simple design on my storyboard but i had tryed to spice it up a bit by adding various styles and effects to the design of the visuals.

Here i have shown a quick animation i have done of a line chart i have tryed to make it as much as i can in relation to Belu by the colours and the style but the idea i have chosen to do in this is to actually have water in the line chart. The design will be shown in 3d i find it would be alot better and more professionnal if i had used a more related water style. as by its self it would look like a high tech science project. If i experiment with this idea more i find i can include it in my final design for the tv advertisement for Belu. The style will be unique in correspondence with th rest of the advert this will be good because it shows lots of different forms of styles.


Here i have shown an idea that i have tryed experimenting with in an animationg. i was trying to show and state the main points that belu is intending to improve on in the world. This is just a text orientated advertisement but it is quite effective as its very dynamic and it has a 3d orientation to it. The design is quite simple but i find it will actually stick in peoples mind as a source of communication and would work really well if experimented with more in the source of actually incorporating more about the water source in the design like include where the water is founded and how it has been made into clean mineral water.

The style of this animation idea is to visualise the camera style and the main statements that need to be said in convincing people into buying bottled water. But also i will include more related water advertisements in the animation the design will be simple but the quates will make the simple designs stand out alot more

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